isn't Hollywood funny? When
Farrah Facuet dies she is supposed to be what they talk about her on all the shows on the news and all. Then Michael Jackson dies and she is pushed to the later shows and becomes a million times less important according to what this little place deems. I think they vote this based on nut jobs but that is just my perspective. Right? Or do u feel something different. By the way for those of you who live in a sewer here are pictures of each of them and for Michael Jackson i will put two one before he bacame anut job and one of after and no it is not because i feel he is better than Farrah Facuet its just that well Farrah Facuet didn't change her whole entire face well anyways i guess it is just what I DEEM.
Farrah Facuet Michael Jackson before and after
Well this sure is a funny little place and
R.I.P to them both and i will pray for thier families.
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