Saturday, October 24, 2009


Hey peoples,

Really confused right now between a friend. I bet they don't even know its them but i decided to post it.

once again who do you think you are telling me who my friends are and are not yeah thats right you don't control me anymore because if i don't care what you decide to say then you can't don't you get it! how hard is it for you to! just understand that i don't like you! you just give me trouble and make me sad. What kind of monster are you! You have no idea who i am! And even if you tried to get to know me then you still wouldn't! Someone half across the world knows me better than you! Seriously. But whatever if you want to live a lie that is your choice. But just understand you over exaggerate everything. Your life is 100% boring you have drama in your life because you choose to make drama. Learn to keep your mouth shut. Get it? But what is the point of me even talking cause you will just do whatever you want instead. I am just here to tell you suggestions. So what is even the point of us being friends? So you could complicate my world even more? So you can stand here as it crashes down? Goes in flames? Somewhere that will never be replaced? but then again i guess its my fault. From the moment i met you. From the moment i said hello.


  1. That is deep, my friend. I hope you work it out with that person! Best of luck!


  2. Hey, thanks for the comment on my bloggity blog :)

    Argh, I hate when issues with friends occur! It has to be within the top three things that I hate the most. I hope everything gets resolved in the end D:


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