Sorry about the rushed technology post. It basically comes down to we had five free minutes. Anyways sorry but i deleted my last post it basically was boring to me so i didn't think it would be too interesting to you either. Lately nothing has been going on. Other than the play. I can't say the name though. Sorry Natalie but its supposed to be a school surprise. I'll tell you later though ;) This weekend I have been having what most would call an "oldies fest" (well i guess thats what i would call it?) But anyways lately i have been listening to the "hits" off 2002 to 2006. Gwen Stefani sweet escape, Avril Lavigne (well lots of songs from her), Photograph by nickel back, I hope you dance Lee An womack (i think thats her name), and the ever popular a thousand miles by Vanessa Carlton. You know the rest I assume. The music today is just sell sell sell and i don't really like many songs today. Any songs you know that are actually good? Anyways i guess i should explain my absence as it may concern you. Well basically schoolwork an tests. (hmm what else is new?). Oh by the way did i ever tell you i LOVE guinea pigs. I know what you thinking why guinea pigs? I just don't know. But anyways yesterday my mom went out and got me a stuffed hamster (she thinks i like hamsters) but i still appreaciate it.

look how cute it is (:
Thanks mom! Do you know the song that goes? "Makin my way down town walkin fast...." well for those of you that don't its called a thousand miles by Vannesa Carlton. The music video is i thought i put it down below..... (o and pertaining to the title it feels like its been years since i heard these songs. So much time has past. Also in those 1930s cartoons we are having hoverscooters. :)
Vannesa Carlton A Thousand Miles-Enjoy!
Oh goodness, Vanessa Carlton was my favorite artist ever throughout elementary school XD I know allll the words to A Thousand Miles (: I feel so accomplished! And the stuffed animal hamster is adorable!