Congrats Aarti
Aside from the fact that Aarti won there has been other things going on. I have actually started pet-sitting which is really fun. I mean I guess it can be nerve-racking to walk into some strangers home and be like umm ill need your keys and sort of awkward if you don't know the person, but luckily i did it for a good friend of mine who happens to have a lot of pets. In fact she has 2 dogs, 2 cats, and 3 kittens. It doesn't sound like a lot, but when your the one cleaning up their poop it actually is. I've made sixty dollars in all, had a great time with the animals, and the money wasn't that bad either. So i'd be happy to pet sit again whenever they need me to.
As I'm going back to school pretty soon i still have to finish all my summer work (of course i just pushed it all till the end) so i guess you could say my last days of summer were not very enjoyable when you basically spend 3 hours a day doing homework. Which in the summer time is not very nice, but at least i know I'll have it finished by the beginning of school next week.
I really haven't seen a lot of my friends since June except for one and I can't wait to go back to school. I promise i will definitely start commenting on your posts really soon. As i have to keep up with the blogger world too. I hope you guys had a great summer, even better than i did (well a little :) and I can't wait to read your posts!
A very happy,