Friday, December 18, 2009
Sick. Sad. Yet, Happy.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Hello Fellow Bloggers,

Friday, December 4, 2009
Weekly Friday Post
Friday, November 27, 2009
You Call It Thanksgiving I call it Thursday

Friday, November 20, 2009
A Hint Of Life Makes Everything Exciting
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Five Friends. One Mall. Complete Madness.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Macy's Rejects

Saturday, October 24, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
I Never Beilieved Things Until I Saw Them, But Know I Have No Choice
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Everythings gonna be okay.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Marley And Me One Of The Saddest Movie's Ever.
See ya!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Technique Cues What a boring title :(
Sunday, September 27, 2009
On a Sunday like Today
Saturday, September 19, 2009
just when you think you know someone
they change
just when you get each other
they move away
just as you finally smile
they cry
just as you open up
they close
what is trust?
some force i used to know
something that used to mean something to me
that was important
but now everything has changed
i feel lost
alone all by myself the world is crashing before me
feelings are mixed up
they made up such a big part of me
something that cant be replaced
i opened up to them
let them in my world
and then as my world is finally stable
they deceive me
and they take that part away from me
and now i don't know them
now things have changed
my world closes up into nothing
i never should have even thought for a second
that we could ever be friends
because with joy comes sorrow
Beyonce should have won?
Friday, September 11, 2009
It's Raining
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
I just got back from the first day of school. Extremely interesting. But I felt like ours teachers were in there own world and i was looking on the ouside like an alien from a different planet. But i saw all my friends!! I had lots of fun :) I mean a WHOLE two months without friends! WOW! ha ha. At least i will see them on saturday its one of my friends birthday! But she is SO hard to shop for i mean i have NO idea what to get her any suggestions? O well i guess ill come up with something. Man i hope i think of it today cause her birthday party is on saturday! Wish me luck and leave a comment! Tell me what to get a girl! Ha ha! Gtg pick out a present for her.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Purple Or Blue? Hard To Chose.
After that we went to staples to get the reamaining of my school supplies and i think i did good. Remember the notebooks i told you i needed to get? Well turns out i only needed six and i got them. 120 pages each!! I just could not believe one subject notebooks came with that many pages. I also got a bookbag. I actually really like it! :) it is black and has gray stripes. And when you open it its orange :). I really like it. I think its the type that says (put buttons on me)
awesome buttons :)

like it? ;)
O and btw i decided to paint my nails blue :)
yours truly,
Friday, September 4, 2009
sorry gtg ttyl (ha ha i sound just like my friends)
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Okay that was odd :).
Anyways moving on.
These last two days have been totally awesome! I've been with my bff ashely :). She is totally cool. We went to the mall on the first day and then on the second day i helped her with some cleaning. I know it sounds lame but actually it was ALOT of fun :). Really good times. Anyways gtg before my mom yells at me for being on the computer.
with love,
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Friday, August 7, 2009
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
hobos, spirits, michael jackson, play-doh, and a bracelet!! That's it no more sugar before bed!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Two days ago was pure FUN!! I went to lake (well actually to be truthful idk the name so lets call it lake C) yeah so i went to lakeC and i had soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much fun!! Well not really in the lake though it started to rain. But what we did first is we went to lake C and we ate lunch but then it was about to rain so we went to my bf's house and then it cleared up so we went back to the lake. But then it rained again (i mean what can u expect) so we wen to ther house again. But then we drove back to where my bf has another house well actually my bf's real house and we crashed there! It was extremly fun! I really did love it! And while i was there i was STUFFED! I got sooooooooo sick then next day! I ate So Much!! But it was sooooo good! AT least i had some fun this week! Now if only i could get my mom to let me go the the game with my other friend around sometime next week! We had a fight but i am hoping to scratch out the bumps. But until then! Live Laugh Love Peace Rock n Roll Live Forever Love First Hate Second and all that good stuff!
~ Hayley
Monday, June 29, 2009
Farrah Facuet
Well this sure is a funny little place and
R.I.P to them both and i will pray for thier families.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Friends, Horror Movies, and Chicken parm
Monday, June 22, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
watching ur back like you cant realax
trying to be cool
you look like a fool to me
tell me why you'd have to go and make things so complicated
i see the way ur
acting like ur somebody else gets me fustrated and life's like this...
man i LOVE THAT song!!!
anyways i luv this video and i think some parts are really funny anyways peace!!!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Okay so my mom is usually really good with me except for today. It all started when i was hungry. I asked my mom if i could go to pathmark which we don't live too, too far away from and she said i could go but i was emailing a friend and well i finished at around 3:20 so i ask my mom what she wants me to buy then one of my sister puts my mom in a bad mood so then i start to ask my mom a question and she yells at me to get out of the house so i do and she told me to go to sub way which is also close to me but i don't..............
I walk about five blocks and try to go to McDonalds instead cause i was mad and i am walking till i realize my mom is calling i pick up and she apologizes and now i feel horrible. But then i realize this guy is FOLLOWING ME! so i freak out and run then he starts to run and then i walk and he walks then i enter white castle and lose him to proceed to mc donalds and i RUN. Man my friends r always talking about stalkers and now i know what that is and never want one again. Anwyways so i get to mcdonalds and it is PACKED so then i proceed to burger king and there i get a whopper with cheese, soda, fries, and mac and cheese. Then when the guy asked is it for here or to go? i say even though i know i am lying what if some of it is for here and some of it is to go? he says then aske for a bag and i am like okay.
While i was there i see a father and his two sons and his sons are trying to talk to their father and her says wait wait wait. and i am thinking, your kids are calling out to you! answer! but too late cuase i get my food and sit down and the first thing is c is a want to be girl with stuff pouring out her shirt!! what a crazy! but then i notice the father looks just like my uncle which makes me think of the lie i tell my mom and i feel horrible. so i eat then leave and walk around then decide to go to pathmark and guess who i see! the freak! but this time i walk right past him and he doesn't follow me so i am thinking that maybe he was going to the house right next to white castle! that made more sense so! so i start to buy the grocerries and then here avril lavgine when ur gone and start singing to it and i just think of this as my speacial day and what i did is done. so i walk home singing when your gone by avril lavigne with icream, milk, beef, tuna fish, and the recept.
Of course there is more to this story but that part is MY own little secret.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
thx to all those who check out my blog! Peace out!!! Rock and Roll for life! and all that good stuff!!
Oh wait before you go!!!!! i just remembered that school is almost out and i am soooooooooo bummed cause my sis is getting a job and now i am the family babysitter while i have a life to live i mean seriously!!!
okay bye
Friday, June 12, 2009
luv peace and taco grease!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Hi and then it slips out DID I MENTION I LOVE YOU
what happened to us?
we r just siting here
no one speaks
can you even hear me?
Whens the last time you spoke to me
has it been in weeks
i cant handle this anymore
i guess
things change
people move on................. and things change
where did i go wrong
i thought i had everything..................... i needed right here
but things change
people come along
and ruin everything
but i guess things just change
i seen her and you at the mall
the way you look at her
do you notice me at all
i guess this is for the better
but nothings worse then the fall
but i guess
things change
people move on ...................... and things change
where did i go wrong
i thought i had everything i needed right here
but............................... things change
people come along
and ruin everything
but i guess things just change
i never imagined it
i never expected this
the way
that day
when you say
try to explain
things change
people move on and things change
where did i go wrong
i thought i had everything i needed right here
but things change
people come along
and ruin everything
but i guess things just change
yeah sounds suckesh but it is better when you know how to sing it and you know the insrtruments in the backround.
Anyways gtg bye!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Monday, June 1, 2009
Book dedication:
this is to all people who have ever been scared or afraid. Trust me it seems horrible now but it can not stay forever. All problems come to an end.
Chapter 1
I stand there and watch her walk down the aisle. She is wearing the most beautiful dress I have ever seen. I see the smile on her face. This is her big day. I wish that I could feel the happiness to but quite frankly the only way I would smile today is if a bomb hit this wedding. Cruel, yes but the truth hurts. All I can focus is on the man who is not my father standing there. Probably thinking that by this marriage I will some how feel close to him. But I will not. I refuse to. I can smile and be polite but I will never call him dad. No matter what. No I am not one of those kids who thinks that somehow their father will come back and we will be a family again because I do not stretch the truth. I can face reality. Like the day I found out the man who is not my father and who will never be my father (lets call him the man) along with my mother told me about their dirty little secret. How they were getting married. I had no idea until that day the man had said to me, “We have a surprise.” I never liked the man but surprise with my mother means something that has to do with me like the “surprise” she told me about when the man was coming over our house in 15 minutes. Of course I had no say just like I never do but when I first met the man he seemed okay. Though I soon found out his dirty little secret a secret that he even keeps from my mother. The man is an alcoholic. He thinks I don’t know. But I am not that blind unlike my mother who believes in love at first sight. Which would explain why they only dated 3 months before marriage. And now I am standing here as the priest says his words to bring these two people in holy matrimony. I think of when the man had his talk with me.
It was after school and I guess my mother told him to pick me up because she was too much of a coward to tell me about their secret until I got home. I remember the talk in the car.
“You know Hayley….” He began, “your mother and I love each other.”
“Uh huh.” Honestly I could care less.
“Well we have a surprise for you.” He said in a soft voice thinking I would not be able to hear him.
“What does you love have to do with surprising me?”
“Well…” he responded, “you will be surprised how much of a change our love can make.” Then he decided to just keep quiet. Which I guess was smart cause I can trick people into giving me the information I want. Then when we got home I saw my mom she was sitting on the couch and told me, “Hayley how about you sit down.”
“ Okay.” I responded. Then they just flat out said it well my mom did.
“Honey we are getting married.”
“Of course.” I thought to myself. Then I thought what I said outloud, “So when is the wedding?”
“It is in two weeks.” She responded. To be honest I thought it was in one week considering how my mother always told me things right when they are about to happen. So here I am watching my mom and this dirt bag whom I am supposed to call my dad. Making out as they are supposedly now married. Now most daughters would be happy that their mother is just married but it just truly disgusts me. So as everyone claps I stand there.
After the wedding my mother and the man (dirtbag) go on their honey moon and let me just say that to imagine that my mother is having s** with this dirtbag makes me sick I am forced to stay with my grandmother who barely evens knows where her own bathroom is. Which is good for me cause last time my mom went away I had to stay with my aunt Halbit which lives by talking! She talks to me as if I am answering one of those dating questionnaires. Geez all that woman did was talk! But my grandma is the total opposite she likes to keep to herself and only asks for the things she really needs. I sit in the small guest room and listen to Paramore when it rains and think of my horrible future. What will happen to me? What is my mom doing right now?
I starts to sing along.
“And when it rains. On this side of town it touches…everything. Just say it again and mean it. We don’t miss a thing you made yourself a bed at the bottom of the blackest hole (blackest hole) and convinced yourself that it’s not the reason you don’t see the sun anymore. And could you do it? Oh I, I never saw it coming. Oh, Oh I need an ending. So why can’t you stay just long enough to explain?”
“Uggh…” I said to myself, “ I try to look at the good things about this I get to miss two weeks of school cause my grandmother lives at least 500 miles from school. I have the house basically to my self. I do not have to see the man.”
But apparently I can not find enough reasons to even be the slightest bit happy so I lie there listening to my paramore.
I wake up from a nap I do not even know I took to find my granmother looking at me saying, “Hayley are you okay I came in here to find you on the bed and I was calling you and you would not answer!”
“Grandma I was asleep.” I say calmly even though I am annoyed I figured that I caused her enough trouble by suposively pretending to be unconscious.
“Oh okay dear. But next time just let me know when you are going to go to sleep okay?”
“Sure Grandma.” Just to prove my whole bathroom point the woman is lost. I walk downstairs to get a snack. When the phone rings.
“Hello.” I say in the coldest tone. Even I was scared.
“Hey honey.” I hear my mother saying.
“Oh hi mom.” I say.
“Well I jus wanted to call to see if everyone is okay.”
“Well everything is super doper mom..” and before I begin to say anything else all I hear my mom say is, “Oh stop it curt.” Then I hear the man say, “Oh come on Mary lets start….” Then all I hear is the dial tone. Which to me is perfectly fine because I don’t want to even know what they were doing.
“Geez thanks for calling mom.” I think to myself sarcastically. Then grab an apple and start walking up stairs. When I get up there I realize that I have not unpacked so I unpack and then out of boredom just start to go to bed.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Book dedication:
this is to all people who have ever been scared or afraid. Trust me it seems horrible now but it can not stay forever. All problems come to an end.
Chapter 1
I stand there and watch her walk down the aisle. She is wearing the most beautiful dress I have ever seen. I see the smile on her face. This is her big day. I wish that I could feel the happiness to but quite frankly the only way I would smile today is if a bomb hit this wedding. Cruel, yes but the truth hurts. All I can focus is on the man who is not my father standing there. Probably thinking that by this marriage I will some how feel close to him. But I will not. I refuse to. I can smile and be polite but I will never call him dad. No matter what. No I am not one of those kids who thinks that somehow their father will come back and we will be a family again because I do not stretch the truth. I can face reality. Like the day I found out the man who is not my father and who will never be my father (lets call him the man) along with my mother told me about their dirty little secret. How they were getting married. I had no idea until that day the man had said to me, “We have a surprise.” I never liked the man but surprise with my mother means something that has to do with me like the “surprise” she told me about when the man was coming over our house in 15 minutes. Of course I had no say just like I never do but when I first met the man he seemed okay. Though I soon found out his dirty little secret a secret that he even keeps from my mother. The man is an alcoholic. He thinks I don’t know. But I am not that blind unlike my mother who believes in love at first sight. Which would explain why they only dated 3 months before marriage. And now I am standing here as the priest says his words to bring these two people in holy matrimony. I think of when the man had his talk with me.
It was after school and I guess my mother told him to pick me up because she was too much of a coward to tell me about their secret until I got home. I remember the talk in the car.
“You know Hayley….” He began, “your mother and I love each other.”
“Uh huh.” Honestly I could care less.
“Well we have a surprise for you.” He said in a soft voice thinking I would not be able to hear him.
“What does you love have to do with surprising me?”
“Well…” he responded, “you will be surprised how much of a change our love can make.” Then he decided to just keep quiet. Which I guess was smart cause I can trick people into giving me the information I want. Then when we got home I saw my mom she was sitting on the couch and told me, “Hayley how about you sit down.”
“ Okay.” I responded. Then they just flat out said it well my mom did.
“Honey we are getting married.”
“Of course.” I thought to myself. Then I thought what I said outloud, “So when is the wedding?”
“It is in two weeks.” She responded. To be honest I thought it was in one week considering how my mother always told me things right when they are about to happen. So here I am watching my mom and this dirt bag whom I am supposed to call my dad. Making out as they are supposedly now married. Now most daughters would be happy that their mother is just married but it just truly disgusts me. So as everyone claps I stand there.
Yeah so it is a little rough but so far the book is good anyways gtg peace out!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Good News: We ar going to have lots of fieldtrips this month and i am sooooooooooooooooooo excited for boston even though it does feel that it is so far away. I have awesome pics on a folder i like to call blog pics and today i have a softball game! Oh and I think testing ends today! Good bye language and reading hello normal!
Bad news: I think i did really bad on testing because I already know that i got and open-ended wrong in math plus if i fail the state test i have heard that even if you are an A and B student that you can still fail the grade so i have my fingers crossed. I now know tht in boston they are just going to room us with whoever and well there is this one girl in my class (btw it is girls seperate from boys) and she is kinda annoying cause you have to like baby- sit her and i paid this money to have fun nto to baby-sit while i am there! Plus i think today we will get alot of homework since testing is over.
So there you go this is the rut i am in but anyways i have to go ttyl!☺♥☺♥☺♥☺ ♂♀=♥
Friday, April 17, 2009
I have some really random stuff that has happened in my day today. First i was waiting to get on the bus and there is a tree next to the bus stop. So there I was waiting and this guy comes with a saw and i am thinking okay what is your problem? But then he starts cutting parts off of the tree and I am thinking okay I am out of this wacko place so i walk down the block and see a police man looking through a car (literally searching) and then when he finds a wallet he leaves and closes the car door and I am really,really,really confused. Aren't police good people? Anyways if you are wondering what i am doing right now here goes.
listening to: Paramore That's What You Get
feeling : like I want to be free like the world is closing up on me with school, homework, friends, and other stuff i feel like i have no more time for fun
wanting: my own secret hiding place where i can go whenever i need to relax
doing: typing on my blog
waiting for: my prince ☺
wishing for: a longer vacation
upset at: one of my family members
well that is what i am doing and my day see ya!!!